
We’d like a Sundae, please. Three. No, actually, make that four scoops. Two vanilla. One strawberry. What? What do you mean you don’t like strawberry? You used to love strawberry! Okay, how about I eat that part and you can pick the fourth flavor? So, yea, that’ll be one strawberry and --? Chocolate. You heard the young lady. One chocolate! Whipped cream? Oh yea, the works: Whipped cream. Rainbow sprinkles. Hot fudge. Caramel. Throw a cherry on a top while you’re at it. It’s been a long week. So how much is all that? $6.28? Perfect. Here you go. You can keep the change. Too much? What do you mean it’s too much? Ah, don’t worry about it. You might’ve had a long week, too.
This print comes signed and numbered by the artist, who wishes you’d treat yourself with the same kindness you normally give to others.